I must admit, when I came across this website I thought it was a complete joke but after looking at the program I was completely hooked.
With so many people wanting to have a career in the music industry, the first fundamental step is to learn how to read and understand music. I often here music recordings from so called music producers and find that a majority of their production work is out of key or out of pitch.
With this new method of learning music you will bypass the slow, boring, drawn out process that it used to learn a song. I
With this program you will learn flats and sharps like a pro. You will also know 3/4 and 4/4 time. The two basic meters that comprise 90% of all songs you hear today. You will also learn
about unisons (one note), intervals (two notes) and chords (3 or more notes) and the 4 main types of chords as we learn harmony.
Here’s what you will learn:
Melody (the tune of a song)
Rhythm (the pulse or beat of a song)
Harmony (the chords that support the melody)
It’s also taught by a 40 year professional in the business that has taught thousands of people how to play music.
So if you are an upcoming music producer I suggest you check this amazing product out today. Click here to go directly to the site

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